Dynamic Analysis of Multi-Body Mechanical Systems with Imperfect Kinematic Joints: A Literature Survey and Review
In traditional dynamic modeling of multi-body mechanical systems, the kinematic joints are assumed to be ideal or perfect, i.e., the clearance, friction, wear, and lubrication effects at the joints are neglected in order to simplify the dynamic model. However, in a real mechanical joint, a gap is always present to allow for the relative motion between the connected links as well as to permit the assembly of components. Studies have shown that the clearances and the tribological effects at the joint seriously affect the dynamic response of mechanical systems, and therefore, proper modeling of the imperfect joints in multi-body mechanical systems is required to achieve better understanding of the dynamic performance of the multi-body systems, especially at this era of the increasing demand for high-speed and precise mechanisms and machines. In this paper a state of the art on dynamic modeling of multibody mechanical systems with imperfect kinematic joints is critically reviewed. The goal is to review past and recent developments and approaches used in the computer-aided kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems with real joints. Suitability of various strategies employed in computational dynamics, and also the insufficiently addressed areas which require further attention in this fieldof study are presented.
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