Optimizing Aircraft Line Maintenance Through Task Re-Clustering and Interval De-Escalation

Anthony Muchiri


This paper presents an adaptation of maintenance interval de-escalation to line maintenance planning. The necessity to optimize maintenance follows from a need to reduce line maintenance visits that interrupt routine aircraft operation due to their frequent occurrence. Further, frequent opening and closing of panels results in significant wear and tear, and thus reducing the inherent reliability of the aircraft. A simulation model has been developed to predict the maintenance requirement of aircraft in an airline operating under known conditions. Construction and validation of the model are based on knowledge and statistical data of actual operations and maintenance practices. The main use of the model is to roupmaintenance tasks into manageable packages that can be executed at extended maintenance intervals and within specified periods, and thus increasing aircraft availability. The model can also be used to vary and adapt line maintenance packages in case an aircraft visits the hangar for non-routine maintenance. The concept of initial deescalation of maintenance intervals is introduced and its positive effects are demonstrated.


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