Experimental Investigations on Welding Deformation Control Methods of a Butt-Weld in a Manual Arc Welding Operation

Bernard Njiraini


Welding is a joining process that has enormous applications in manufacturing and construction industry. One of the challenges faced during welding is distortion of joined metals. Since construction of some structures require welded sub-assemblies, the distortion leads to geometric inaccuracies making sub-assembly difficult and limiting automation. It also increases the cost of production due to rework involved in straightening. Researchers have proposed various mitigating factors for control of weld distortions. This paper compares two welding distortion control methods for a simplified butt weld. Distortion of the plates when the two techniques are employed is compared with normal (straight single continuous line) welding technique. Welding and distortion correction (straightening) time is taken and compared for the three procedures.  The straightening method used is flame heating for a standard time for both cases. From the experiments it was seen that the procedure used can have an impact on the quality of the weld. Using the appropriate procedure can help reduce distortion, and thus save on the cost of repair.


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