Using a machine learning algorithm to develop an intelligent automated teller machine (ATM)

Walter Kirika Ndegwa


With major advancements having been made in information technology, computers can perform many operations exponentially much faster than a human being. Though the preceding statement is true there are many tasks where the computer falls much short of its human counterpart. An example of this is given two pictures a nursery school kid could easily tell the difference between a cow and a donkey. This simple task could confound today’s computer.This study established that the introduction of a learning component to the already existing framework would be acceptable and to demonstrate this, a sample prototype (learning component) was developed.Majority of learning algorithms work well only with discrete values, i.e. (0 or 1, true or false). For a successful learning approach to be implemented a new method of learning had to be devised that supported continuous variables (multi-valued attributes). Question answer authentication was the method established to achieve this. The learning component was implemented on the premise of the AQ learning algorithm.


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