Nanotechnology: The magic bullet towards attainment of Kenya’s Vision 2030 on industrialization

E Gatebe


Nanotechnology,  which  is  the  study  of  manipulating  matter  on  atomic  and molecular scales, involves developing materials or devices possessing at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanomaterials (structures with at least one  dimension  between  1  and  100  nm)  are  revolutionizing  the  scientific  world mainly on the account of their unique properties in comparison to the traditional micron-sized materials. There are a large number of new opportunities that could be  realized  by  down-sizing  currently  existing  structures  into  the  regime  of  <100 nm, or making new types of nanostructures. For Kenya, nanotechnology provides a new focus for research through her stated aim  to  manufacture  from  the  ‘bottom-up’  approach  that  uses  state  of  the  art techniques  and  tools  to  make  complete,  high  performance  products,  with  its potential  in  the  form  of  improved  water  purification  systems,  energy  systems, healthcare,  food  production  and  communications,  and  in  agriculture  and  health. Recent statistics lament  on the lack of Kenyan scientists in applying research and technology in advancement of science due to lethargy in research. Although many reasons  have  been  advanced  for  lack  of  growth  in  this  field   ranging  from  poor remuneration, lack of infrastructure  as well as lack of well-trained researchers and scientists,  the  country  has  an  opportunity  for  take-off  through  resource mobilization  and  restructuring.  The  STI  Act  2012  and  Education  Act  2012  are efforts toward the right direction where the government envisages  setting about 2% of the GDP on STI and this should enable our fledging scientists to embrace the new and emerging technologies such as nanotechnology. Also the development of Nanotechnology policy 2013 and creation of new Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development shows the political will to industrialize the country as per Vision 2030 development blue print, otherwise it will remain a pipe dream without these concrete steps. There are so many raw materials that can be improved through value addition in Kenya for example the rice husks that are normally burned can be used to recover silica which continue to revolutionize electrical and electronic engineering and the compost  made  into  viable  fertilizers  if  appropriate  technology  is  applied  such  as nanotechnology. The Silicon Valley famed for use of silicon developed from simple concepts as is the case with Embraer in Brazil which has used technology to build the  world’s  third  most  viable  aircraft  manufacturer.  With  the  discovery  of  huge deposits  of minerals in Kenya from coal in Mutomo, titanium in Kwale,  all the way to  oils  in  Turkana,  Kenya  has  a  chance  to  showcase  the  benefits  of  using News/Report        JAGST Vol. 14(2) 2012 2     Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technologyappropriate  technology  in  efficient  utilization  of  natural  resources  for  wealth creation  and  poverty  reduction.  But  for  this  to  happen,  the  government  must invest in quick succession on capacity building while emphasizing on technical and vocational  training  and  desist  from  converting  middle  level  colleges  into universities. For example, by identifying institutions such as KIRDI, KARI and KEMRI among others  as flag ship projects to drive the economy, the universities will be left  with  the  tasks  of  teaching  and  research  while  these  institutions  will  act  as incubation centers and a link between innovators and end users. Currently,  every  local  university  seeks  attention  as  centers  of  excellence, incubation centers and research park but this at best remains in their charters with colorful  vision  and  mission  statements.  Thus,  for  the  jubilee  government  to achieve  on  her  manifesto,  it  must  empower  few  research  centers  with infrastructure  such  as  state  of  the  art  equipment  like  transmission  electron microscope(TEM),  scanning  electron  microscope(SEM)   which  will  enable researchers across disciplines  benefit; audit existing programs and courses in our universities  and TIVET institutions as well as set deliverable targets to CEOs in our local  research  institution  in  order  to  eliminate  copycat  duplications  of  programs and  research.  In  line  with  this,  the  curricula  in  our  universities  and  TIVET institutions  must  be  made  to  embrace  new  and  emerging  technologies  of delivering their contents. Some of them although have technical names are analog in  their  teaching  and  research  methodologies.  Some  lecturers  and  tutors  are computer  illiterate  yet  every  year  they  sign  performance  contracts.  Going technology,  nanotechnology  will  enable  this  country  to  industrialize  at  a  quicker pace and catch up with emerging economies which have fully embraced the new thinking  through  manufacturing,  drug  delivery,  farm  input  encapsulation  whichsaves  millions  of  dollars  in  wastage  to  paint  industry  thus  mitigating  on environmental  pollution.  Nanotechnology,  unlike  biotechnology,  possesses  no known  serious  environmental  risks  and  the  technology  revolves  around minimalization with maximum return. It is on this premise that we hope the new CEO  at the ministry of industrialization and enterprise development will assemble a visionary leadership that can help him duplicate the corporate success he had at Barclays Plc.The author is a senior lecturer at the Department of Chemistry.  


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